What are Adult Foster Homes?
Adult foster homes are single family residences that offer 24-hour care in a homelike setting. A wide variety of residents are served in adult foster homes, from those needing minimal personal assistance to those residents needing full personal care, or skilled nursing care with the help of community-based registered nurses. Adult foster homes in Oregon are inspected and licensed. The adult foster home provider must meet certain standards to obtain a license. Staff from the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) program or the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) offices verify the qualifications of the provider, conduct yearly licensing inspections, and investigate complaints and concerns.
In adult foster homes, medical and personal care are provided to residents in a manner that encourages maximum independence and enhances the quality of their life. Care and supervision are provided to maintain a safe and secure setting. Residents can decide to refuse the care and service offered if it conflicts with their wishes. Adult foster home providers strive to provide good care and services through a cooperative relationship between the care provider and residents.
Services Area:
This website serves Southern Oregon in Jackson and Josephine counties. Contact the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) for help in finding placement outside of these areas. Connect to the ADRC by website or by phone 1-855-ORE-ADRC for help with services in other areas.